
97) Dance To The Piper by Agnes DeMille 98) Goodness Had Nothing To Do With It by Mae West 99) Act One by Moss Hart 基督教 100) Science And Health With Key To The Scripture...

2.That's why she called the victim all the way to the Prosecutor's Office. 3.I'm sure the Chief Prosecutor had a grudge against the victim. 4.Nothing else could drive that human machine to plunge the knife in again and again 对第4句指证尸检报告 指...

你可能会理解错误的一些简单英文(2) 在看何炳威编著的《拆解英语口语错误》,这本书整理了一些容易被望文生义想当然的表达,先让读者自己从二选一中选择自己认为正确的理解,再公布出正确...

The expression taking something with a pinch of salt is almost certainly inspired by the fact that humans use salt to spice up many foods. In other words, salt makes food, especially the bland and less tasty type, palatable and easier to swallow. H...

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